About Us

Growing a Community around the
Good News of Jesus
Growing a Community around the Good News of Jesus
  • We know our neighbors
  • We share Good News
  • We rest in grace
  • We work with faith

Meet Pastor Jeremy Mattek

The Mattek family is passionate about building communities around the Good News of Jesus.

Pastor Mattek earned his Masters in Theology from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2004. He then began his ministry in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, serving until 2018 as the pastor of a large, diverse, and multi-ethnic church in one of America’s most segregated cities. While there, he greatly enjoyed watching the Good News of Jesus create a beautiful unity and harmony among a group with so many different backgrounds, histories, ethnicities, and life experiences.

Pastor Mattek extended his ministry to the media world in 2017 when he partnered with Time of Grace Ministries, a leading Biblical content provider for television and social media.

In 2018, the Mattek family moved to Greenville, Wisconsin, where Pastor Mattek served in various pastoral roles through 2022, not the least of which was helping lead the largest church in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod through the extraordinary challenges presented by COVID, keeping the congregation united, grounded on, and encouraged by the Good News of Jesus.

The Mattek family moved to the rapidly-growing area of Conroe, Texas in August of 2022 to plant a church where the Good News of Jesus is easily found.

Jeremy is married to Karen, a licensed teacher with experience in both Early Childhood and Elementary education. Karen is passionate about helping children find the unique joys that come from knowing all that Jesus has so lovingly done for them.

The Lord has entrusted to their care 5 children, each of whom bring unique strengths to the building of this new church, and all of whom bring deep joy to their parents. Also living in the Mattek home is Luna, their Siberian Husky, who doesn’t seem to mind the Texas heat.

What We Believe

All that we believe and teach comes from the Bible, which is God’s perfect Word.  We believe that the entire Bible has been given to us by God for the sole purpose of pointing all people to Jesus as the Savior of the world.  Because the message of the Bible does not change, it is an always-reliable source of guidance, spiritual rest, and peace.

There is only one true God who is holy, eternal, and has all power and wisdom. In the Bible, God reveals himself as Triune – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The Bible is God’s Word. It’s true and without error.

God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, in six days thousands of years ago.

All people are special creations of God, created in God’s own image.

Our human race cut ourselves off from God when Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden. Since then we’ve lived in rebellion against God’s goodness, unable to reconcile ourselves to him.

The gospel is the good news that our loving God sent Jesus Christ to take away the sins of all people. Because of Jesus’ perfect life and sacrificial death, God completely and freely forgives us for every sin.

Jesus physically rose on Easter morning, conquering death. And because he rose, heaven is our home. We have assurance that we will live with Jesus forever in joy and fulfillment.

Jesus is God the Son, born of the virgin Mary. He suffered and died on the cross to pay for all of our sins.

The Holy Spirit creates faith in our hearts through the gospel, and dwells in all believers.

There is one holy, Christian church, made up of all who believe in Jesus.

Through baptism, the Holy Spirit washes away our sins and makes us God’s children, no matter our age.

Jesus’ promise to give us his true body and blood in this sacred meal forgives our sins and strengthens our faith.

Even though sin is a tragic reality in our lives, we can enjoy community, hope, and forgiveness because of God’s love for each of us in Jesus Christ.

OUR VISION is to be the most easily-accessible source of Good News for our community.


While The Mission is a new local church, it is being planted in partnership with a body of Christians called the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). The WELS has been carrying out ministry around the world since the 1800s.

What is the WELS?

Wisconsin is the place where this church body was originally founded, though you can find WELS Christians all over the world.

Evangelical comes from the Greek word for “Gospel” or “Good News.” All WELS churches are grounded on the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus as the Savior of the world. Because the word “evangelical” has recently been used to describe certain political leanings, we don’t use this word much any longer to describe ourselves, though we still are, and always will be, entirely grounded on the Good News of Jesus, which impacts all areas of our life.

Lutheran connects the beginning of this group of Christians with the historic movement known as the Protestant Reformation, begun by a man named Martin Luther. Out of his ministry came three foundational beliefs, all of which we ascribe to:  Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, and Grace Alone.

Synod comes from a Greek word, one that has the idea of “walking together on the same road.” A synod is a group of Christians walking together through life, believing the same things about the Bible, encouraging one another along the way, and accomplishing more together for Jesus than any of us could accomplish on our own.

Scripture Alone — The Bible is all true, without error, and trustworthy.  All of our teachings are based on what the Bible teaches, and not on human tradition, feelings, or opinions.

Faith Alone — We are eternally saved entirely by faith in Jesus.  Not by a cooperative effort between us and God.  Not by our own merit out good deeds.  Jesus alone accomplished all that was needed to save us.  We put our faith entirely in him.

Grace Alone — “Grace” is a word the Bible uses to express the truth that God freely chooses to treat us in the opposite way compared to what we deserve.  We deserve to be punished by God on account of our sinfulness, yet God chooses to love us.  He showed this love by sending Jesus to forgive all our sins.  We deserve to suffer in hell for eternity, yet God chooses to give us a place in heaven.  We are not saved by what we do or by what we are, but entirely by what Jesus did for us.

Grace Alone

“Grace” is a word the Bible uses to express the truth that God freely chooses to treat us in the opposite way compared to what we deserve. We deserve to be punished by God on account of our sinfulness, yet God chooses to love us. He showed this love by sending Jesus to forgive all of our sins. We deserve to suffer in hell for eternity, yet God chooses to give us a place in heaven. We are not saved by what we do or by what we are, but entirely by what Jesus did for us.

Faith Alone

We are eternally saved entirely by faith in Jesus. Not by a cooperative effort between us and God. Not by our own merit or good deeds. Jesus alone accomplished all that was needed to save us. We put our faith entirely in him.

Scripture Alone

We are eternally saved entirely by faith in Jesus. Not by a cooperative effort between us and God. Not by our own merit or good deeds. Jesus alone accomplished all that was needed to save us. We put our faith entirely in him.

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Contact Information

Weekly Services 
Every Sunday @ 9:00 AM

Email: pastor@themissiontx.church

Weekly Worship Location

Sam Houston Memorial Chapel
10129 FM 1097
Willis, TX 77318

Future Worship Site

12434 Cude Cemetery Rd
Willis, TX 77318